Wednesday 7 March 2012

HUNTED final cut and Final storyboard

For my final cut, I simply made the frames larger and tweeked the sound to get it how I wanted it.

Final Storyboard of HUNTED

Shot 1.

Establishing wide shot of victim walking down her road on the way back from school.
Atmospheric music introduced (cresendo throughout)

Shot 2.
Low angled long shot of the victiim in her bedroom, drawing. This shows she has power/security in her domestic setting - this suggests she doesn't have it else-where.

Shot 3.

Close up of the victims drawing. Reveals her quiet, introverted character.

Shot 4.

Titles - reveals it's a new film, possibly a breakthrough director. The audience will expect something shocking/gripping as it's a director's first film.

Shot 5.
Close up of the stalker's hand as he picks up the last item if her spilled shopping - disembodied arm creates a sense of unease.

Shot 6.
Director's name, links in with previous title.

Shot 7.

Close up of the victim's phone malfunctioning. Distorted foley sound.
Shot 8.

Blackout, music still rising.
 Shot 9.

Mid-shot of the victim jumping as the stalker taps her shoulder. She's ostracised now and feeling vulnerable/jumpy. Quick edit - unsettling
Shot 10.

Two shot of the victim walking into the bathroom as the stalker move into the shot on the right - angle cants (to the right) - she's lost the power/security in her domestic setting. She is now completely vulnerable but she doesn't know yet. Introduce deeper atmospheric music
Shot 11.

Midshot of the stalker running from the house. Sting as the door slams.
Shot 12.

Close up of victim as she spins around, scared. Fast edit
Shot 13.

Close up of the victim being kidnapped on her way back from school. Sting
Shot 14.

Mid-to-long shot of the victim tied up and gagged in the stalkers basement. Low key lighting
Shot 15.

Jolted zoom in to a mid-shot of the victim tied up. Distortion sound
Shot 16.

Jolted zoom again with sting to a close up of the victim as her head swings down, defeated and scared. She's lost all hope of getting set free.

Shot 17.

Close up of the blue prints as the camera zooms in on the custom designed knife.

Shot 18.


Shot 19.

Close up of the victims door. Female crying heard.
Shot 20.

Shot 21.

The film title. Sting
Shot 22.

Release date. Sting

Wednesday 15 February 2012

First cut of my teaser trailer: HUNTED

Here is the first cut of my teaser trailer that I have been working on for the past two weeks. I experimented using atmospheric sound and fades between shots.


These are the results from a peer assessment of my work.

Construction main task
Holding shot steady

IIII = 4 votes
III = 3 votes
Framing a shot

IIIII = 5 votes
II = 2 votes
Appropriate material

II  = 2 votes
II = 2 votes
III = 3 votes
Selecting mise en scene

II = 2 votes
IIII = 4 votes
I = 1 vote
Editing for meaning

I = 1 vote
IIII = 4 votes
II = 2 votes
Varied shot transitions, caption and other FX

II = 2 votes
IIIII = 5 votes

Use of sound with images/editing

III = 3 votes
III = 3 votes
 I = 1 vote

IIIIII = 6 votes
I = 1 vote

What people said:
  • Maybe finish on the chair shot
  • Include some foley sounds
  • The sting at the end is really effective
  • Atmospheric sound is really good
  • Use more stings
  • Knife image/poster - need some sort of sound to enhance meaning
  • Add in a scream
  • Experiment with fonts
  • Close up when she is tied up (jolted zoom)
  • Slow down the canted shot - it's a really good shot (maybe a freezeframe)
  • Have more of a sound build up at the beginning
  • Framing and the camera work are brilliant
  • Make the font smaller
From this, I have been editing my teaser trailer and making improvements from this feedback.