Wednesday 15 February 2012

First cut of my teaser trailer: HUNTED

Here is the first cut of my teaser trailer that I have been working on for the past two weeks. I experimented using atmospheric sound and fades between shots.


These are the results from a peer assessment of my work.

Construction main task
Holding shot steady

IIII = 4 votes
III = 3 votes
Framing a shot

IIIII = 5 votes
II = 2 votes
Appropriate material

II  = 2 votes
II = 2 votes
III = 3 votes
Selecting mise en scene

II = 2 votes
IIII = 4 votes
I = 1 vote
Editing for meaning

I = 1 vote
IIII = 4 votes
II = 2 votes
Varied shot transitions, caption and other FX

II = 2 votes
IIIII = 5 votes

Use of sound with images/editing

III = 3 votes
III = 3 votes
 I = 1 vote

IIIIII = 6 votes
I = 1 vote

What people said:
  • Maybe finish on the chair shot
  • Include some foley sounds
  • The sting at the end is really effective
  • Atmospheric sound is really good
  • Use more stings
  • Knife image/poster - need some sort of sound to enhance meaning
  • Add in a scream
  • Experiment with fonts
  • Close up when she is tied up (jolted zoom)
  • Slow down the canted shot - it's a really good shot (maybe a freezeframe)
  • Have more of a sound build up at the beginning
  • Framing and the camera work are brilliant
  • Make the font smaller
From this, I have been editing my teaser trailer and making improvements from this feedback.

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