Friday 25 November 2011

Filming Itinery

ItineraryHUNTED 27th November 2011
Fran: You are playing the victim in HUNTED. You will need to do your make-up as normal and wear your school uniform.
Dad: You are playing the stalker in HUNTED. You will need to wear dark jeans, a dark top and a dark coat. You need to be wearing your watch too.

House Shots/Location
·         Est. shot of Fran walking down the drive in her school uniform (way back from school) drive
·         Fran in her bed drawing Fran’s room
·         CU of Fran’s drawing Fran’ room
·         Phone turning off
·         Fran walking into the bathroom, Dad slides into the shot Bathroom/Landing
·         Front door slamming Porch
·         Fran tied up Living room
·         CU on blueprints Living room
·         Poster on Fran’s bedroom door
·         Beans on the floor
·         Dad picking them up (hand)
·         Fran being tapped on the shoulder
·         Fran spins round scared
·         CU of Fran – Dad has hand over her mouth

Saturday 19 November 2011

Sound for my Teaser Trailer

From my Teaser Trailer analyses I know that the non-diegetic sound has to create/build tension, with stings to emphasise certain shots. I have been looking at a site called to see if there is anything that I can use in my teaser trailer in terms of; sound FX, build-ups, 'stings' and atmospheres.
   Similarly, my diegetic sound has to be equally good at creating tension, so that I can create a successful teaser trailer. These will obviously be recorded on camera and I can choose whether or not it is more effective to have limited diegetic sound, which will be something I can play around with in the editing stage.

I have found 6 tracks that I like on, because they have a tense atmosphere and they have the potential to fit in well with my teaser trailer. I made a soundcloud account to upload these onto,
Here is the link to my soundcloud page; .
On here you will find all of the tracks that I have found and be able to play them.

Monday 14 November 2011

Props and Costume


  • School Bag
  • iPod/earphones
  • Bed/pillows/duvet
  • Sketch pad/drawing
  • Pencils (for drawing)
  • Tin (beans)
  • Watch
  • Mobile Phone
  • Front door
  • Rope/Material for tying someone up
  • A hand-made blue-print 

  • Bedroom door
  • Poster for above mentioned bedroom door
  • Victim: School Uniform
  • Stalker: Jeans, dark top, dark coat, hat/hood, work boots. 

Thursday 10 November 2011

Final Story Boards

Draft Story Boards

Drafting and Planning - using my narrative to plan shots

I pasted my narrative into a word document, printed it out and then highlighted parts of it as an idea of what to have my shots as in my teaser trailer. I then complied a list of shots and completed a draft of my storyboards. Here is my highlighted narrative:


This is a shot list that I complied to aid my draft storyboard. I added a lot more shots than written here into my story board (on the next post);

Deciding a Title for my Teaser Trailer

Potential Titles:

  • Stalked
  • Stalker
  • Wanted
  • Watched
  • Haunted
  • Don't turn around
  • Alone. Watched. Wanted
  • Watched. Alone. Wanted
  • Wanted Watched Alone.
As you can see, none of these were very good. So I decided to go on and see what I could get from there. Here are 3 print screens from what i researched;

From this, I really liked:
  • Obsessed
  • Hunted, and
  • Prowler
For my title, I have decided to use 'HUNTED because I think it creates a sense that the girl is mor than a victim, she is the stalker's 'prey'. It also dehumanises him and presents him as a predator.

Monday 7 November 2011

Set Locations and Photos

My House/Drive
This will be where the victim lives and the road she walks down etc.

Rubery Park (St. Chad's Park)
This will be where the victim is taken by the stalker/had connection with him outside a home

Sunday 6 November 2011

Research into Stalkers

This was taken from a website called 'Network for Surviving Stalking' and it has information about the types of stalkers and what they can do. It also contains statistics of how many cases of a certain type of stalker occur. Here is the link to the website;

In my teaser trailer, the stalker is a sadistic stalker. This is what NSS said about sadistic stalkers;

Sadistic stalking (12.9% of cases)


  • victim is an obsessive target of the offender, and who’s life is seen as quarry and prey (incremental orientation)
  • victim selection criteria is primarily rooted in the victim being:
(i) someone worthy of spoiling, i.e. someone who is perceived by the stalker at the commencement as being:
- happy
- ‘good’
- stable
- content
and (ii) lacking in the victim’s perception any just rationale as to why she was targeted
  • initial low level acquaintance
  • apparently benign initially but unlike infatuation harassment the means of intervention tend to have negative orientation designed to disconcert, unnerve, and ergo take power away from the victim
- notes left in victim’s locked car in order to unsettle target (cf. billet-doux of infatuated harassment)
- subtle evidence being left of having been in contact with the victim’s personal items e.g. rifled underwear drawer, re-ordering/removal of private papers, cigarette ends left in ash trays, toilet having been used etc.
- ‘helping’ mend victims car that stalker had previously disabled
  • thereafter progressive escalation of control over all aspects (i.e. social, historical, professional, financial, physical) of the victim’s life
  • offender gratification is rooted in the desire to extract evidence of the victim’s powerlessness with inverse implications for his power => sadism
  • additional implication => self-perpetuating in desire to hone down relentlessly on individual victim(s)
  • emotional coldness, deliberateness and psychopathy (cf. the heated nature of ex-partner harassment)
  • tended to have a history of stalking behaviour and the controlling of others
  • stalker tended to broaden out targets to family and friends in a bid to isolate the victim and further enhance his control
  • communications tended to be a blend of loving and threatening (not hate) designed to de-stabilise and confuse the victim
  • threats were either overt (“We’re going to die together”) or subtle (delivery of dead roses)
  • stalker could be highly dangerous – in particular with psychological violence geared to the controlling of the victim with fear, loss of privacy and the curtailment of her social world
  • physical violence was also entirely possible – especially by means which undermine the victim’s confidence in matters normally taken for granted e.g. disabling brake cables, disarming safety equipment, cutting power off
  • sexual content of communications was aimed primarily to intimidate through the victim’s humiliation, disgust and general undermining of self-esteem
  • the older the offender, the more likely he would have enacted sadistic stalking before and would not be likely to offend after 40 years of age if not engaged in such stalking before
  • victim was likely to be re-visited after a seeming hiatus

Saturday 5 November 2011


As you know, my plot for my 'film' is based around a teenage girl who is stalked by a man, who's identity is never really revealed. This picture below is a shot from the film Halloween. This would be a brilliant type of shot to use in my teaser trailer, because there is a real sense of an ominous presence following Jamie-Lee Curtis' character. The way Halloween moves into the shot, not revealing anything about him except a shoulder, is really sinister and would be idealistic for my teaser trailer. In addition, he is on the right hand side of the frame, which plays on this idea of 'baddy's enter from the right', which I could use within my teaser trailer. Furthermore, the contrast of her pale clothing contrasted with his dense black coat/jacket, emphasises that there is dark activity at foot and that as an audience we should be worried, which is something I can use in my teaser trailer.