Saturday 19 November 2011

Sound for my Teaser Trailer

From my Teaser Trailer analyses I know that the non-diegetic sound has to create/build tension, with stings to emphasise certain shots. I have been looking at a site called to see if there is anything that I can use in my teaser trailer in terms of; sound FX, build-ups, 'stings' and atmospheres.
   Similarly, my diegetic sound has to be equally good at creating tension, so that I can create a successful teaser trailer. These will obviously be recorded on camera and I can choose whether or not it is more effective to have limited diegetic sound, which will be something I can play around with in the editing stage.

I have found 6 tracks that I like on, because they have a tense atmosphere and they have the potential to fit in well with my teaser trailer. I made a soundcloud account to upload these onto,
Here is the link to my soundcloud page; .
On here you will find all of the tracks that I have found and be able to play them.

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