Saturday 5 November 2011


As you know, my plot for my 'film' is based around a teenage girl who is stalked by a man, who's identity is never really revealed. This picture below is a shot from the film Halloween. This would be a brilliant type of shot to use in my teaser trailer, because there is a real sense of an ominous presence following Jamie-Lee Curtis' character. The way Halloween moves into the shot, not revealing anything about him except a shoulder, is really sinister and would be idealistic for my teaser trailer. In addition, he is on the right hand side of the frame, which plays on this idea of 'baddy's enter from the right', which I could use within my teaser trailer. Furthermore, the contrast of her pale clothing contrasted with his dense black coat/jacket, emphasises that there is dark activity at foot and that as an audience we should be worried, which is something I can use in my teaser trailer.

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