Director: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Psychological -Thriller, Sci-fi, Action, Adventure
Lead roles: Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page
Plot: In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception.
In the top third of the page. Blends in with the background which is made up of building which ties into the film and the main image, which is more interesting for the audience and eye-catching. The website is underneath (left) in small font, so that the reader knows where to go if they wish to subscribe or find more out about Total Film. The issue no and price is underneath (right) the masthead in small typography.
The caption above the masthead 'The Mind-Blowing issue' ties in with the theme of the film, and also is persuasive because of the phrase 'mind-blowing' which is connotes that the film is uncomprehendably good.
Main Image:
The main character of the film, played by Leonardo DiCaprio is the main image because he is the person the reader would associate with Inception. The actual image is a shot from the film, and he has a concerned, determined facial expression emphasising the fact that he has a difficult job to do, but he's GOT to do it nonetheless. He is in a black suit and tie, which is smart and businessman-like. It also looks quite imitimidating, suggesting that he can be intimidating when he needs to me. In addition, the colour black connotes mystery (one of the sub-genres), because we don't know what's going to happen and neither does he. The whole film is definitely very mysterious and as an audience we never quite know what's going to happen next, and we are never quite certain what has just happened either!
He in central to the cover, which draws the readers attention, however there is no eyecontact, resulting in no direct address, which emphasises this theme of mystery and keeping the reader in the dark. The use of low-key lighting also emphasisses the idea of mystery and darkness however; it could also connote the difficulty of the job, his emotional baggage, conflict within his own mind, and also the fact we are never quite sure if he is the good or bad guy even though we empathise with him anyway.
The background is of a surreal, distorted cityscape and it's unrealism suggests it's within a dream world, which of course ties in with the theme of Inception.
Main Coverline:
'INCEPTION' - the film title, emphasises the themes of this issue and what it's about. We don't actually know what Inception is, (unless you've watched the film) so it's quite gripping from the mystery that surrounds it.
'Inside the Ultimate Head Trip' - This links to the main image and the themes of the film, because Inception is recreating original inspiration and the concepts introduced in the film are literally awe-inspiring for the viewer and between the characters.
'Predator - Reboot of the year?', 'Clash of the (toon) Titans - Toy Story 3 and Shrek 4' - polar opposites in genre, highlight that this magazine does not just target Mystery/thriller lovers, but also animation and Sci-fi lovers.
'The 27 most MIND-BLOWING Movies Ever' - to a movie lover this would be appealing, because he/she would like to see what they agree with in regards to Total Films suggested films. However, the repetition of 'mind-blowing' from the caption above the Masthead also acts as a persuasive technique, emphasising that this is a really good issue of Total Film magazine.
'Meet the Master of Mind flicks' - The alliteration in this coverline is persuasive because it sounds appealing to the readers senses.
'TRON - everything you need to know' - for film lovers. People who have already seen Tron and loved it will be persuaded by this. People who were unsure about going to see it, and perhaps didn't, may think to read this and then that could decide whether they both or not.
'FIRST LOOKS - Immortals, Let Me In, Thor' - brand new films, advertising them. Film lovers who love new releases will look at this. This has the potential to make a readers decision of whether they go and see the film or not.
'(Plus sign) The A-team, The Girls of Twilight, Comic-con preview, Chris Rock' - all very different in terms of genre and target audience. Shows the range of the demographic that Total Film appeal to.
Colour scheme:
Red - connotes boldness and danger. It appeals to the readers senses because it is a physically gripping colour.
Silver/Blue - Both very cool colours and the synergy of the two emphasise how 'cool' Inception is, because it's so far 'out there'. The whole concept of Inception is mind-blowing so these colours are edgey and uncommonly used on big films (normally black and red), so it draws people in. Also blue/Silver connotes technology, which is ultimately a huge part of this film, so it draws a lot of sci-fi/techno lovers in to the film.
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