Thursday, 20 October 2011

Secondary Research

Most thrillers are 18+ because their content can include; violence, pyscological issues, scenes of a sexual/explicit nature and, more generally, scenes that potentially are distrubing for younger viewers. However some are 15s like Black Swan, or even The Lovely Bones which is a 12A. Roughly, thrillers target 15-25yr olds.
Usually there are warnings on the DVD cover stating why the film has the particular rating.

Most plots, for any film not just Thrillers, will follow Todorov's narrative structure. His structure says that there is Equilibrium at the beginning of the film, and then Disequilibrium occurs when something happens, and then at the end of the film re-equilibirum occurs when the chaos has been restored to normal. For example; in The Lovely Bones, the equilibrium is that Susie Salmon is an ordinary 14-yr old girl who had normal concerns/interests/problems. The disequilibrium is that she is raped and murdered by her neighbour and is watching her family fall apart from 'limbo'. The re-equilibrium  is when the murdered gets his come-upance and her family are able to move on with their lives and Susie goes to Heaven.

Here are some links to informations about films with a similar target audience;

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