Tuesday 20 December 2011

Film Masthead

This will be my masthead for my film. I have not yet experimented with colour.

How I made this:

I used; Paint.Net and Word.

Rubber Training Knife

Firstly, I used word to type out the word 'HUNTED' using the font 28 days later. I then pasted this into Paint.Net. Using google I found a picture of a knife - it's only a rubber training knife but it's the exact copy of the real thing. I liked it because it was black, and to me, more sinister looking. I also thought that this would look better in synergy with the rest of my masthead. I pasted this into a seperate Paint.Net document, cut it out of it's white background so that it could go over the 'T' in 'HUNTED', and feathered and rotated it. I then pasted this into a new layer in the space left for the 'T' in my masthead. 

I used the select tool to make the knife slightly larger, and then proceeded to change the brightness and contrast to make it more 'grainy' looking - like the font of the rest of the title. I used a black thin paint brush to harshen the horizontal part of the knife, as this had been softened through the feathering and the changing of the contrast. I then saved this as a PNG so that it can be imported over any document.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Ancillary Product Plans


The style I have chosen for my film poster is quad. This is because I want to use the Halloween-style-shot from the previous post (shot 14 in my teaser trailer, http://hannahmaxwella2media.blogspot.com/2011/11/final-story-boards.html) and this style will be most effective for that.

FONT: 28 days later

The film poster for The Lovely Bones was a strong influence for the 'two shot' of the victim and the villain idea that I have.
In addition the shot from the film Halloween was a great influence too.

I have decided to use TOTAL FILM magazine, because I feel that my film could fit in with the ethos of the magazine because it will be a mainstream film.

Their cover features include a wide range of films - but they are all mainstream. They can range from teen-flicks to thrillers to action and adventure. They include film star interviews and other enticing features that film lovers will love. It is a very good magazine for people who enjoy films and are interested in a range of genres.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Ancillary Product Research: Film Poster ideas

Using the picture I posted previously, (http://hannahmaxwella2media.blogspot.com/2011/11/research.html) I have come up with a mock quad-style film poster.

I changed the brightness and contrast on the image to make the colours more vivid, but the overall tone of the image darker. I used my film title, just as a guide as to where to put it, as I have not finished developing it yet. The credits would then run along the bottom of the poster.

I think this would be an effective poster, when done properly, because it has a sinister feel to it, doesn't give away much of the story line and also it is visually exciting, because we want to find out who the people are and what the relationship between them is.

The shot I would use from my teaser trailer, to replace this picture from 'Halloween' would be from shot 14 on my storyboard. (http://hannahmaxwella2media.blogspot.com/2011/11/final-story-boards.html)

Saturday 10 December 2011

HUNTED: Typography Ideas

In this sketch, I have chosen to make the 'T', in HUNTED, into a knife shape. This is because the Stalker/killer in my 'film' uses a knife to eventually kill the victim. It also makes the film seem more sinister, in terms of marketing, because the title will suggest that there will be violence and therefore death. I think it will be an effective title.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Concrete Target Audience

My teaser trailer will be aimed at the age group of 15-21 year olds. The certificate will be 15. Both males and females will be interested in this film, but predominantly females will be most interested because they will be more able to empathise with the female character - especially given her young age. Potentially, it may only appeal to a niche market because the main character is of a 'niche' crowd herself, however, I don't think this would be a problem because most females will still have an interest in the film.
Culturally, females aged 15-21 will be interested in films about stalkers/murderers that have targetted women, because of cases such as Milly Dowler and Madeline McCann that are so shocking and so accesible on the news/ in newspapers etc.