Wednesday 14 December 2011

Ancillary Product Research: Film Poster ideas

Using the picture I posted previously, ( I have come up with a mock quad-style film poster.

I changed the brightness and contrast on the image to make the colours more vivid, but the overall tone of the image darker. I used my film title, just as a guide as to where to put it, as I have not finished developing it yet. The credits would then run along the bottom of the poster.

I think this would be an effective poster, when done properly, because it has a sinister feel to it, doesn't give away much of the story line and also it is visually exciting, because we want to find out who the people are and what the relationship between them is.

The shot I would use from my teaser trailer, to replace this picture from 'Halloween' would be from shot 14 on my storyboard. (

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